The connected campus
9th February 2018No Comments
Notes on the ‘Internet of things’ This report may have interest for FLL network members:Recently made available from: Link to report here. As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more popular on campuses across the country, leading colleges and universities are preparing for the increase in data coming from sensors, smart devices and other technologies, and the resulting demand on their networks. The “connected” or “smart” campus, as it has become known, leverages a combination of sensors, big data and analytics, and other IoT technologies for better decision-making in myriad ways. In June 2017, the Center for Digital Education (CDE)…

Education for Development – Parliament White Paper
9th February 2018No Comments
“Education is the post powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, said Nelson Mandela. And he is quoted at the beginning of Stortingsmelding 25 2013, from June 13th Parliament Whitepaper 2013-2014 Education for Development. Find the report enclosed here, as it is of high relevance to potential proposal for for the upcoming Norglobal Call at the Norwegian research Council — RCN. The way to development is via knowledge genera- tion, information and skills. Education lays the groundwork for individuals’ and societies’ devel- opment and is essential for development and growth. A renewed global effort to achieve good quality,…

New research group member
8th February 2018No Comments
Happy to announce a new research group member — Renée Schulz, a colleague and friend to many of us for years. Renée is currently working as Assistant Professor for the Department of ICT at the University of Agder, mainly involved in gamification and serious games as well as the digitalization of courses (a master course in multimedia, a MOOC, and courses in (e-)health sciences). Her main research areas are Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design. She recently handed in her PhD thesis with the title “Listening to Teacher’s Needs: Human-centred Design for Mobile Technology in Higher Education”. During the period of…
World Learning Summit ´17 a Great Success!
12th June 2017No Comments
Our annual Future Learning Lab event – World Learning Summit – brought together 150 attendees on June 7th this year for an full-day open dialog with three keynoters as well as a dozen panelists expanding on the keynotes on roundtable dialogs. The first keynote was given by Cathy Casserly, a former CEO of Creative Commons, an associate of Institute for the Future as well as a former consultant to a range of thought-leading companies. Cathy stepped in on short notice also last year, replacing Karl Mehta from the online learning company EdCast. Cathy is now a consultant for the National…

Workshop; video for student driven learning
3rd October 2016No Comments
On October 20th, Future Learning Lab offers a full day workshop on uses of video in student driven learning. CEO at WeVideo in Oslo, Erik Ræstad, is here to pilot us through som key issues relating both to uses of video as technology and more profoundly; how to tell an enganging story? Video is clearly one aspect of 21st Century literacy skills — so how do we master it, as lecturers, as tutors? And as students? The workshop is based on discussions held during our June 2016 World Learning Summit. We´ll present one DDU-financed project on uses of video in…
Brief note on World Learning Summit 2016
20th June 201610 Comments
Our summit in June 2016 was a great success, with close to 300 people visiting the first open day, and about 200 following up on day 2, about 100 on day 3. Visit our testimonials page to see comments as they come in. A main feature was of course Peter Norvig, head researcher at Google in Mountain View, California. We were fortunate to have the collaboration of Aftenposten, BI Norwegian Business School, NHO/Abelia, and Oslo EdTech cluster. More will be posted as we process the presentation videos and upload some of the key presentations. The program for our 2017 version…
Derek Woodgate joins FLL
29th May 2016No Comments
Happy to announce Derek Woodgate as our newest FLL member. Read more about him: Derek Woodgate is a consulting futurist, author, university lecturer and curator. He is President of The Futures Lab, Inc. an international futures-based consultancy, founded in 1996, which specializes in creating future potential for major corporations and institutions, He is also Vice-President and Director of Learning at the company’s non-profit arm LIFE (Learning Innovations in Future Education and Chief Creative Office at TFL’s “living the future” events company, FEEL (Future Entertainment and Events Lab). Derek is co-creator of the highly successful “living the future” event STEAM3 – The Future of…
Imagine future learning
11th May 2016No Comments
Our modes and ways of learning have changed dramatically over the past few decades. Take a look a little further – say, 200 years back – and the beginning of the information revolution introduced newspapers with, until then, unheard of information speeds. The enlightenment brought new ideas. Time of travel decreased. Imaginations of the world and its many variations, increased. Cities were formed, nation-states were formed, international alliances were forged, as was our common understanding of education. We may take it for granted, but perhaps we should not take the future of education for granted at all? Educational institutions, perhaps especially Higher…
UiA forsker om kunstig intelligens
11th May 2016No Comments
Hvordan påvirker digitaliseringen hverdagslivet vårt? Les UiA forsker Morten Goodwins kronikk på www.forskning.no – her er åpningen: / “Da minibanker ble innført på slutten av 70-tallet, var de både billigere og bedre enn bankansatte. Ingen med vettet i behold vil i dag kreve minibanker fjernet for å få flere funksjonærer i arbeid. Det minibanken gjorde for bankfunksjonærene, vil den kunstige intelligensen gjøre for minst halvparten av dagens yrker. Forskningen innen den kunstige intelligensen har gjort enorme fremskritt de siste årene og månedene. Den blir stadig bedre enn oss mennesker på flere og flere områder. Snart lærer den oss noe vi…
A teacher, a learner; do you have a story to tell?
20th April 2016No Comments
Future Learning Lab Partners with EdCast to Launch Global Educator Teach‐A‐Thon Competition to award grand prize of $100,000 to inspire educators to share their knowledge in 10 min. SAN DIEGO, April 19, 2016 – Future Learning Lab has partnered with EdCast to announce the launch of the Global Educator Teach‐A‐Thon, a new annual competition for educators to showcase the impact and power of social learning technology. Designed to challenge professional and independent educators to embrace the sharing economy, The Global Educator Teach‐A‐Thon is the first ever open‐knowledge viral challenge to help students and adults worldwide to learn from free open…
Open registration for the 2016 summit
8th December 2015No Comments
Registration is now open for the June 13-16th 2016 World Learning Summit. As announced at the Stanford 2015 summit close in May 2015, the summit in 2016 promises to be an equally wide-ranging event, with high-level keynote speakers and intens interactions. Please find information about the event here: www.wls.futurelearningab.org We are very happy to announce the main keynote team: Peter norvig (Chief Scientist at Google), Keith Devlin (Executive Director at Stanford Univesity’s H-Star Institute) and Michael Shanks (Professor at Stanford University and a key member of the program at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Design – also known as the…
Post-summit 2015 reflections
2nd June 201510 Comments
[masterslider id=”15″] For a number of years now, Future Learning Lab has sought to address not so much the needs for critical thinking about pedagogy as the more encompassing question of the digital transformation of learning. That issue is a lot bigger. Many universities, colleges and other institutions are asking the same, studying the same, and developing their agendas. What are we left with after the 2015 Future Learning Summit? This article is a first reflection on the recently closed 2015 Future Learning Summit. It contains a discussion feed at the bottom — please comment: If technology´s the answer —…
Future Learning Lab opens Knowledge Cloud
1st June 2015No Comments
Starting August 2015, Future Learning Lab will begin actively pursuing bitesized content interaction and complete course delivery in our new knowledge cloud enabled by EdCast. There is a long story behind this, but the short version is simple: It was only when we found EdCast that we began to have any serious thought that we actually could pursue the world of MOOCs in a meaningful way. The hopelessly Victorian-style approach applied by Coursera and EdX to the world´s education and learning challenge will effectively be their downfall in the public domain. Their world will be commercial. We approached them, and the…

Robert Reich; how to reinvent education
26th May 2015No Comments
[xyz-ihs snippet=”Robert-Reich-Video”]
Jeppe Bundsgaard returns to Future Learning Lab
9th April 20151 Comment
In a different life, professor Jeppe Bundsgaard worked with some of us in the Future Learning Lab to establish Contact Education as a story-telling pedagogical tool — and we did well together…. However, as life takes over and projects emerge that also take us elsewhere, paths part. In 2015 we´re lucky to have professor Bundsgaard back with us in our newly established Expert Panel, bringing a lot of expertise on proposal work as well as the forefront of ICT-related learning and teaching. Bundsgaard will be coming to our May 2015 Summit in Silicon Valley, and he will have fresh results to report from…

Anne Swanberg on our Expert Panel team:
9th April 2015No Comments
First to be asked to join our Expert Panel, Anne Swanberg represents a unique Nordic point of view, in that she runs one of the only Learning Labs at institutions of hi her education dedicated to an over-all transformation of learning: The Norwegian School of Business and their BI Learning Lab. We´re proud to have Anne in our team. For our May 2015 conference, BI is represented by other members of the Norwegian School of Business. That said, Anne is part of several projects and proposals. Her university college runs a series of demonstration projects that Anne oversees, and for…

New member of our Expert Panel
9th April 2015No Comments
We´re pleased to be able to include Michael Carter in our Future Learning Lab expert panel. Mike has a deep interest in learning and a better basis for refection on emergent technologies than most: From his background in Silicon Valley high-tech to his current interest in K8 an K12 learning by gaming, he is an extremely valuable addition to our team. Read the rest of his bio here. At our conference in May 2015, we will run an invitation-based workshop on game based learning particularly aimed at contemporary issues like climate change, and how to tell that story in a…

MIT professor Dr. Shigeru Miyagawa to keynote FLS 2020
7th April 20151 Comment
We´re happy to present Dr. Shigeru Miyagawa, Professor, MIT and UTokyo as opening keynote speaker on Friday May 29th 2015, as we kick off our conference Future Learning Summit 2020. Dr. Miyagawa is professor at MIT and for the past several years also UTokyo. He was on the original MIT team that proposed OpenCourseWare and he is former Chair of the MIT OpenCourseWare Faculty Advisory Committee. He was awarded the President’s Award for OCW Excellence from the Global OpenCourseWare Consortium. He is also Co-director of Visualizing Cultures (visualizingcultures.mit.edu) with the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, John W. Dower, which was awarded MIT Class…

Summit speaker updates
3rd April 2015No Comments
Susan Singer to open the summit We are very pleased to announce that professor Susan Singer has accepted our invitation to open the May 30th Summit on the future of learning, at Stanford University. Here is a short bio on Susan. And you will find more about her here. Susan Rundell Singer is Division Director for Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation and the Laurence McKinley Gould Professor, in the Biology and Cognitive Science Departments at Carleton. She pursues a career that integrates science and education. In addition to a PhD in biology from Rensselaer, she completed a teacher certification program…

Conference update; a note about EdCast
22nd March 2015No Comments
Future Learning Lab´s Spring 2015 conference is set for May 30th, at Stanford University. It will be a collaboration between Future Learning Lab, H Star Institute at Stanford University, the recently established Zephyr Institute in Palo Alto and EdCast — a recent addition to the world of on-line learning providers, with a home base in Palo Alto. We first met up with Edcast in October 2014, at our Stanford-based workshop Imagine Classrooms of Tomorrow. Since then we have been pursuing several ways to collaborate. We learned about their exciting plans to promote international conversations on the future of learning in a globalized world. We,…
MOOCs in Europe: Important new report
13th March 2015No Comments
The European discussion on MOOCs is – for various reasons – quite different than the North-American one. This is one reason why this first broadly comparative European report on MOOCs ought to be read carefully. It was launched on March 3rd, 2015. See the executive summary below. Download the entire report from here. First, the approach and phenomenon was launched in the US, with trials and early errors duly made and noted. As the next stage MOOC development goes global one is likely to see institutional issues and barriers coming to the surface in the discussions and approaches. Second, the European…
Can e-learning bridge the educational gap?
4th March 20151 Comment
The recent announcement by the Gauteng provincial government to initiate a paperless classroom project as well as the Western Cape government’s commitment to spend R1.2-billion to implement e-learning in 1 250 local schools, is a big step towards bridging the education gap in South Africa, according to Athol Wesselink, Chief Technical Engineer at OpenWeb. Wesselink says that poor education outcomes may be remedied by the implementation of e-learning, which will hopefully see all public-schools connected to the internet and students provided with tablets and other electronic devices. “The use of technology to support education will not only enhance pupil’s access…

Eden 2015: Expanding Learning Scenarios
2nd February 2015No Comments
A conference to check out — PhD´ers: An interesting network to begin with, the EDEN network hosts an annual conference that is well worth looking into for future learners in the Nordic region. There are tons of great conferences out there. This one is a favorite because it combines two elements: A better view of digital transformations, and on the other hand the practical skills deficit that now confronts education institutions, work life and policy-makers. Ahesd there are challenges galore – this is a conference combining astute academics with practical approaches to new learning. A couple of blurbs below: ”…

Wired classroom: What the evidence says
31st January 2015No Comments
After President Obama´s State of the Union address in mid January 2015, the reflection below by Susan Pinker, printed in New York Times on January 30th, stands out. In the address, Obama envisioned open Internet in every classroom, providing access of information to everyone and especially otherwise disadvantaged students. But according to Pinker, the solution may be the opposite. Says Pinkerton: When it comes to uses of technology and impacts on teaching, access to the wide range of media tools for learning is as likely to widen the learning and knowledge gap as it is to decrease it. Economists at Duke University…