Education, Media Technology and Innovation in Learning
In 2013, we finished a project called Nordic Edupreneuring, where the intention was to map the ongoing entrepreneurial engagements in the area of Education technology As of 2015, we will be launching the second stage of the project — Nordic Edupreneuring 2015 – 2020. A first meet-up point will be our Fall conference in Palo Alto, starting November 16th, 2015.
To learn more about the network and ways to join, please contact us, using the form below:
Future Learning 20/20: Join our Global Edupreneuring Initiative
A second core pillar of our conferencing and project networking moves beyond the Nordic region to a focus on new learning technologies, their impacts and the challenges they raise from a North – South Development perspective. Many of us who teach internationally feel the pressures from not having the tools, nor the access that we are used to from home. We are often reminded of the inequality and also the immense “leap-frogging” challenges inherent to the globalization of learning as seen from a perspective of the Global South.
The Global South is everywhere – also in the cities of the “North”. Human flourishing IS by definition based on access to learning, but much has to be corrected before new learning technologies deliver what is often promised. Within this framework, we conduct workshops, and seek to incubate research and writing.
Contact us:
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What happens next?
Not much: If you contact us we will respond right away — generally what we offer is simply ways to hook up with our conferences and workshops for early bird registration, as well as newsletter-based invitations to various events, plus blog subscription. It is free. And you can leave anytime.
For anyone interested, we also have institutional sponsorship arrangements, generally to subsidize events and thus offer a space to people who would otherwise not be able to join.