Disruptive education – global imperatives
Here is the general framework for our Fall 2015 Future Learning Lab conference, to be held at Stanford University in mid – November, with Munger Hall as the venue. Go here to the full story. As it looks half way through January this year, the conference will be hosted by HStar Institute at Stanford, University of Agder in Norway, the Zephyr Institute in Palo Alto, California, two or three Education Technology companies, and several othert Nordic Universities with whom we are working. Invitations will be international, and the talks will theme up around concepts of “Collaborative Learning 20/20 – Emergent Digital Learning Landscapes”. Unlike our spring conference Future Learning 2020, set for May 30th 2015, it will contain a full academic part, with paper presentations.
Whereas the May event is a 1-day conference, in part to begin our EU Horizon 2020 consortium invitation process, the November event will contain 1-2 days of plenary keynotes and roundtable discussions, with breakout possibilities for various project groups and entrepreneurs. It will contain 1-2 days of academic paper presentations, organized as a side-venue to the conference. And it will contain an acceleration workshop for entrepreneurs engaged in education technology production — whether it be platforms, products, or services.
Paul Brest Hall at the Munger Conference Center is a really nice location. It is one of Stanford´s best. It houses up to 300 people, and comes with a nice garden location as well as break-out rooms. It is located in the middle of the Stanford Campus, within walking distance to most of the relevant campus facilities and with a bus service to the local hotels. Please stay tuned for more information about the conference as it develops. You will find an extensive updating on the conference on this page —Conference 2015. once we start communicating it publicly. Read more…